Tombs in the Valley of the Queens

Tombs in the Valley of the Queens

All of the tombs are numbered and although evidence of individuals has been found in various places, not all of these tombs have been discovered. A list of these individuals can be found below.
External links have been provided. Some of the links provide floor plans, others include photographs of tombs.
• QV1-7 – Anonymous tombs (18th Dynasty)
• QV3 & 4 – contain ibis and falcon mummies
• QV 3 and 4 were found to contain Ibis and Falcon mummies
• QV8 – Prince Hori and an unnamed princess of the 18th Dynasty
• QV9-10 – anonymous tombs (18th Dynasty)
• QV11 - anonymous tombs (18th Dynasty) - this tomb contained funerary items of an individual named Pairyiah, together with four canopic vases with lids, representing the four sons of Horus.
• QV12 – Uncertain (18th Dynasty) – found within this tomb was the cap of a gold sceptre with Tuthmosis II’s name on.
• This tomb contained the golden cap of a scepter with the name of Tuthmosis II.
• QV13-16 – anonymous tombs (18th Dynasty)
• Q17 – Princesses Merytre and Wermeryotes (18th Dynasty)
QV18 – anonymous (18th Dynasty) – this tomb storage containers with depictions of horses on them
• QV19-21 – anonymous (18th Dynasty)
• QV22 – anonymous (18th Dynasty) – contained within the tomb were earthenware jar tops containing Amenhotep III’s name
• QV23 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV24 - anonymous tombs (20th Dynasty)
• QV25-19 - anonymous tombs (18th dynasty)
• QV30 – Nebiri, who was the head of the stable at the time of Tuthmosis III
• (18th Dynasty)
• QV31 – Unnamed great royal wife, suspected to be the wife of Seti I
• QV32 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV33 - Queen Tanedjemy – timeline uncertain
• QV34 - Anonymous princess or queen – timeline uncertain
• QV35 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV36 – Princess – timeline uncertain
• QV37 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV38 - Queen Sitre (19th Dynasty). Wife of Ramses I. This tomb is unfinished dn the one of the rooms is decorated.
• QV39 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV40 – Anonymous princess or queen
QV41 - unfinished tomb (20th Dynasty)
• QV42 - Prince Paraherenemef, son of Ramses III (20th Dynasty)

• QV43 - Prince Setherkhopshef, son of Ramses III (20th Dynasty)
• QV 44 - Prince Khaemweset, son of Ramses III (20th Dynasty). His mummy and the lid of his sarcophagus are now in the Turin museum.
• QV45 - unfinished tomb (20th Dynasty) - This tomb is architecturally similar to the tombs from the time of Ramesses III.
• QV46 – Imhotep, great architect, healer and priest. Period of Tuthmosis I. (18th Dynasty)
• QV 47 - Princess Ahmose (17th Dynasty). Daughter of Sekenenre Tao (II)
QV48 - anonymous tomb (18th Dynasty)
• QV49 - anonymous tomb (19th Dynasty)
• QV50 - anonymous tomb (20th Dynasty)
• QV 51 - Queen Isis (Ta-hemdjeret) King s Great Wife, wife of Ramesses III, mother of Ramesses VI (20th Dynasty)
QV52- Queen Titi – wife of Ramses III (20th Dynasty)
• QV53 - Prince Ramesses-Meriamon, son of Ramses III and Isis Ta-Hemdjeret (20th Dynasty) – tomb unused and unfinished as he became Ramses IV
• QV54 - unfinished tomb (20th Dynasty)